Tamagawa Gakuen is a K-12 comprehensive school located in Machida City, Tokyo. The school adheres to the founding principle of “Zenjin Education” proposed by its founder 100 years ago. Situated on Tamagawa Hill, spanning 610,000 square meters, the campus brings together approximately 10,000 students, ranging from kindergarten to university level. The educational approach focuses on fostering harmonious character development and providing students with authentic experiences. Tamagawa Gakuen has a history of continuous challenges. In recent years, the institution has embraced various initiatives, including participation in international school associations, K-12 integrated education, SGH (Super Global High School), SSH (Super Science High School), IB(International Baccalaureate)education, and bilingual education. Notably, the school has rapidly expanded its commitment to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education. One distinctive activity at Tamagawa Gakuen is the land-based cultivation of coral, a unique endeavor not commonly found in other schools. In FY2022, through collaboration with businesses and the Ie Island Fisheries Cooperative in Okinawa, the school successfully reintroduced coral cultivated in Ie Island back into the sea.