Yoichi Muguruma

Yoichi Muguruma

Yoichi Muguruma


Ritsumeikan Integrated Educational Corporation

Type of Participation
Comments, Brief Biography, etc.

In 2009, started working at Ritsumeikan Primary School. After working as the director of ICT education and the director of entrance examinations, became the vice principal in 2021, and in April 2022 moved to the Division of Integrated Primary and Secondary Education, which oversees the schools affiliated with Ritsumeikan Educational Corporation (one elementary school and four junior and senior high schools), and is mainly in charge of teacher training. Since 2015, has been promoting ICT-based education as a Microsoft Certified Teacher (Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert).

〈南砺の魅力〉動画・ポスターコンテスト 〈南砺の魅力〉動画・ポスターコンテスト 0歳から120歳のこどもたちとワクワクから生まれる遊具アイデア大募集 0歳から120歳のこどもたちとワクワクから生まれる遊具アイデア大募集 第1回 steAm BAND 学びの協奏コンテスト 第1回 steAm BAND 学びの協奏コンテスト