• Case Study
  • Let’s express familiar things by programming! ~Promoting understanding through structuring ~ Making difficult things more accessible with the support of computers!

Let's express familiar things by programming!
~Promoting understanding through structuring ~
Making difficult things more accessible with the support of computers!

    Let’s express familiar things by programming! ~Promoting understanding through structuring ~ Making difficult things more accessible with the support of computers!
    Let’s express familiar things by programming! ~Promoting understanding through structuring ~ Making difficult things more accessible with the support of computers!
    Let’s express familiar things by programming! ~Promoting understanding through structuring ~ Making difficult things more accessible with the support of computers!
  • Let’s express familiar things by programming! ~Promoting understanding through structuring ~ Making difficult things more accessible with the support of computers!
  • Let’s express familiar things by programming! ~Promoting understanding through structuring ~ Making difficult things more accessible with the support of computers!
  • Let’s express familiar things by programming! ~Promoting understanding through structuring ~ Making difficult things more accessible with the support of computers!

In the third grade, students learned about the three primary colors of light and coordinates using p5.js. In the task of reproducing colored paper handed out at random, the children worked in groups to change the RGB values slightly and enjoyed expressing the subtle differences in color. After learning how to draw a circle, each group was asked to roll a dice and reproduce the result. The key was how to change the coordinates of the center, but the children sometimes had a hard time because they were not used to the idea of changing the coordinates of the radius. Nevertheless, they were able to create the robot by cooperating with each other.

The Robot Programming Club is also working on creating sports, games, and games with the theme of making the gap caused by handicaps and inaccessibility more accessible and lowering the barriers by inserting computer support.

Participating Schools Otemon Gakuin Elementary School
Type of School
Type of Participation
Team Name

Grades 1-6 Robot Programming Club

〈南砺の魅力〉動画・ポスターコンテスト 〈南砺の魅力〉動画・ポスターコンテスト 0歳から120歳のこどもたちとワクワクから生まれる遊具アイデア大募集 0歳から120歳のこどもたちとワクワクから生まれる遊具アイデア大募集 第1回 steAm BAND 学びの協奏コンテスト 第1回 steAm BAND 学びの協奏コンテスト