Hiromichi Ozasa

Hiromichi Ozasa

Hiromichi Ozasa


Ritsumeikan Integrated Educational Corporation

Type of Participation
Comments, Brief Biography, etc.

After 6 years as a public junior high school teacher, followed by 14 years at Ritsumeikan Elementary, Junior High, and High Schools, and 5 years in the Division of Integrated Primary and Secondary Education Department, he is currently the Vice Principal of Ritsumeikan Elementary School. He has experience in public and private, elementary, junior high, and high school settings, as well as in administrative and managerial positions. Currently a graduate student at Ritsumeikan University’s Graduate School of Human Sciences, he is studying Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, the third generation of behavior analysis, and is a licensed Certified Public psychologist since 2021. As an individual, he is involved in teacher training through the Kyoto Teachers’ School and seminars, and also serves as a trainer and lecturer for training programs and lectures.

〈南砺の魅力〉動画・ポスターコンテスト 〈南砺の魅力〉動画・ポスターコンテスト 0歳から120歳のこどもたちとワクワクから生まれる遊具アイデア大募集 0歳から120歳のこどもたちとワクワクから生まれる遊具アイデア大募集 第1回 steAm BAND 学びの協奏コンテスト 第1回 steAm BAND 学びの協奏コンテスト